Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Safe Haven

My Haven is a place
that surrounds me with a peace
that passes all understanding.

Although I am alone,
I sit in the presence of the Most High God
who calms my fears
and wraps me tightly beneath His wings.

His Word rings sweet to my ear
and causes my soul to soar
above the calamities that try to entrap me.

Refreshment is the drink
and Bread of Life is the meal
that I devour at each sitting.

I crave my Haven;
and when I am away from it long
I am lured into the cold repulsion of the adversary.
But He, my Master,
full of grace and mercy
draws me back to this place,
My Haven.

What is a Haven you may ask?
It is a place and a time of solitude
where the dance of life gains the perspective of God.

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Absolutely beautiful! You have a lot of talent. It would take me months to write something so flowing.