Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Cup of Tea

I like to drink my cup of tea
When nobody, nobodies bothering me.
I sip the hot and steamy brew
And there I find my solitude.

I grasp my tea and hold it tight
And take these moments to unite.
Just me alone until I hear
The movement of those that I hold dear.

I was able to sneak in time this morning for a cup of apricot tea! We had Veterans Day vacation so it is just Jess and I at home. She is still getting her beauty sleep! I can't wait until Thanksgiving to see all the new things, like Jace and Darcy's kitchen! Those things of old are special too! And of course, we will always miss Dad. Well, Jess just got up so off I go into the day. I was glad to enjoy the solitude and sharing with you!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Now that's my kind of poem! Although I really did love the waterfall one!